Braswell Family Farms

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75th Anniversary Kickoff

A Carnival in the Park

This year marks our 75th year in business and although we celebrate our official anniversary on October 6, we took time this weekend to have a kickoff celebration with our employees and their families. The day was spent riding trains, playing on inflatables, petting exotic animals, listening to bluegrass, enjoying good food, and dunking some of our upper management in a dunking booth. We had a blast!

With the fun activities also came a special announcement from our company president Trey Braswell:

"The Core Values of Braswell Family Farms are Family, Accountability, Integrity, Team Work and Humility. These values lead our company daily in being good stewards of the blessings God has given us. One of those biggest blessings is our family of employees. God has planted in my heart the desire to give back to our employees and to our community. To help us do this better than we ever have before, we are implementing a Braswell Family Farms Caring Team that will be made of up employees that are working at all locations and working at different levels. The Caring Team will be given the authority and resources to help care for the physical and emotional needs of our employees, their families and our community. They will help ensure our core values become both a way of life, and a way of work, within our organization. We are in the beginning stages of building this team and plan to introduce the team and share more about their role with you in the near future. We wanted to share this exciting news with you because we want you to know we continue to care about our family of employees and our community. "

Stay tuned for more family fun events and annoucements this year as we continue to celebrate our 75th year in business!