Meet Becky Petit
Braswell Family Spotlight
Introducing our Braswell family member of the week, Becky Petit. To put it simply, Becky is a coordinator. She coordinates many moving parts for our pullets, or immature hens. This includes scheduling when our pullets will hatch, to placing them in houses, scheduling their beak trimming and vaccines to keep them safe from diseases and infections, to organizing transportation to take the pullets to a new house once they have matured to hens.
Becky has her plate full, but that is what she enjoys most about her job. She says, "Everyday here is different, it's not boring. Something always comes up even with a plan and you learn to be flexible."
Although Becky has been with us for seven years, her and her husband are both career poultry farmers. Her husband even works for the company that hatches our baby chicks.
In her free time, Becky enjoys bear hunting and gardening and will golf occasionally.
As for her Braswell Family Farms eggs, Becky takes them poached with bacon.