White House
Easter Egg Roll


30,000+ Eggs Heading to Washington, D.C.

We are honored to provide eggs for the Washington D.C. Easter Egg Roll for the second consecutive year!

We’re hard at work preparing over 30,000 eggs (20,000 of which will be dyed FIVE different colors!) for this special, American tradition.

Follow along as we take our eggs from Nashville, NC all the way to the White House - with a few important stops along the way!

  • Part 1: Our eggs will begin their journey from Nashville, NC to Winston-Salem, NC to be dyed

  • Part 2: The eggs will be shipped from Winston-Salem to our Virginia facility to be processed and packaged

  • Part 3: Our eggs arrive in Washington D.C. and are ready for the Easter Egg Roll!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram as we share a little bit of the hard work that has gone into this project as well as some fun behind the scenes content!


Journey to Washington D.C.

Our friends at The Stocked Pot have been hard at work this week preparing our eggs for the Washington D.C. Easter Egg Roll! We are so thankful for their hard work and dedication to making this event a success!

The first day of work is spent hard boiling all eggs not being dyed (10,000 eggs). Once that is completed, the team then hard boils and dyes 4,000 eggs per day. Throughout this process, each egg is moved to five different stations before being ready to go to Washington D.C. If you can believe it, 16-20 gallons of dye are used for processing eggs for the Easter Egg Roll. Some dyes require mixing to obtain the appropriate color. Colors are decided a Washington D.C. team, and we are provided with Pantone color codes to match.


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