Jermaine Mills

Meet Jermaine Mills, but many folks call him Frog, a nickname his grandfather gave him, and it stuck around. Frog is one of our egg delivery drivers and has been with Braswell Family Farms for six and a half years. He heard about the position through a fellow Braswell Family Farms driver who also happened to be Frog’s CDL driving instructor.

Frog loves meeting new people, so it makes sense that he enjoys delivering our eggs and meeting new people at each grocery store he delivers to. He also likes that he feels like he is part of a family at Braswell Family Farms. A typical day for Frog includes anywhere between 250 and 300 miles. He enjoys being out on the road by himself. He likes having the task, but no one looking over his shoulder to get it done.

In his free time, you can find Frog spending time with his five children. This usually means coaching them in sports including football, basketball, or baseball. He also enjoys making homemade sausage with his father-in-law.

For his favorite way to enjoy his Braswell Family Farms eggs, Frog likes them soft scrambled with cheese.

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NC Egg DeliveryHart Roberts