Ricky Brinkley

Meet Ricky Brinkley, one of our feed truck drivers. Ricky has been with Braswell Family Farms for ten years after a friend suggested he come over and apply for the open driving position. Ricky listened to his friend and has been here ever since.

Ricky enjoys every aspect of his job, including the people he works with. He also appreciates the Christian atmosphere. Ricky’s day starts at either 4 a.m. or 6 a.m. depending on the day of the week. Once he arrives at work, he’s given his routes for the day and heads out. He typically drives an average of about 475 miles a day making deliveries throughout North Carolina and Virginia. His favorite thing about being on the road is just driving.

In his free time, Ricky enjoys relaxing and getting ready for the next day.

As for his favorite way to enjoy his Braswell Family Farms eggs, Ricky says scrambled with cheese, although he likes eggs, so he’ll eat them all kinds of ways.

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NC Feed DeliveryHart Roberts