Matt Svobda

Meet Matt Svobda, one of our egg delivery drivers. Matt has been with Braswell Family Farms for almost two years after hearing about the open driving position from a fellow Braswell Family Farms driver.

Matt starts his day between 1:30 and 3:30 a.m. depending on his routes. He delivers eggs to our customers in the Outer Banks area of North Carolina, as well as our customers in the Raleigh area. He really enjoys the days he drives to the Outer Banks, as he gets to see the sunrise on the ocean. In addition to the beautiful scenery, he also enjoys the sense of freedom that comes with driving and being able to just drive and listen to music.

As for Braswell Family Farms, Matt enjoys the people he works with and the sense of feeling like they are family. He also really likes his driving schedule.

When not a work, Matt enjoys going on kayaking and hiking trips throughout the United States, spending time at the gym, and watching sports. Baseball is his favorite.

Matt enjoys his Braswell Family Farms eggs sunny side up with a side of bacon and hash browns.

NC Egg DeliveryHart Roberts