Wardell Greene

Meet Wardell Greene, one of our Carolina Egg Company delivery drivers. Wardell has been with Braswell Family Farms for five years. He was driving for another company when he pulled his big truck into the parking lot and filled out an application. He got the job and has been here ever since.

Wardell enjoys the customer interaction on his delivers the most. He also really enjoys the people he gets to work with, and like many of his fellow drivers, also agrees Braswell Family Farms is a good company to work for.

Wardell’s routes typically require him to be on the road two nights each week. He delivers eggs to the Jacksonville, Morehead, and Emerald Island cities along the North Carolina coast. He typically drives around 600 mile per week. He enjoys being on the road by himself with no one to bother him.

In his free time, Wardell enjoys relaxing and watching sports.

His favorite way to enjoy Braswell Family Farms eggs are scrambled with cheese.

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NC Egg DeliveryHart Roberts